Fx Up Lights
In a landscape lighting system, up lights provide an exceptional amount of interest, texture and contrast to the outdoor living area. FX Luminaire provides high quality and efficient fixture to utilize up lights in a successful outdoor lighting project.
Fx Path Lights
To light up edges in the landscape as well as walkways and other pathways, path lights are an excellent way to add dynamic of ambiance to the living space. FX provides a wide variety of materials and finishes to suit a wide array of landscapes.
Reduction in heat
Our products have longer life cycles
Due to their consumption of wattage, traditional outdoor fixtures can become extremely hot after being on only for a few minutes. Although LED lights also generate heat, it's a great deal less than traditional lighting. Generating less heat will improve the life of the lamps and fixtures. We want to ensure our products have longer life cycles and our FX LED comes with heat sinks and temperature sensors. If the fixture becomes too hot, the FX board will automatically pull back the current which will immediately cool the fixture down.
Output Consistency
Traditional lighting requires a number of wires for each set of lights to guarantee all lights are putting out the same level of illumination. Setting them up is very difficult and time-consuming. FX Luminaire LED fixtures come with a built-in device called a driver which takes the power it's receiving and delivers it to each one of the LED fixtures. The lights will always display the same level of light no matter what the voltage.
LED Shelf Life
It can depend on the application, but LED lights can last 50,000 hours or even longer. As they are approaching the end of the life cycle, they will start to dim over time at low levels. That means even after 50,000 hours of use, in most cases, LEDs will continue to sufficiently illuminate. This is far superior to traditional lighting which will simply burn out.
Always Have Your Lighting Set Up By Professionals
Just like any other installation on your property, landscape lighting is a fine art. It requires a professional landscaper to lay out a plan, install, and maintain the system. You want safe, optimal, long life from your new outdoor lighting. You should always consult with your qualified installer to create the functions you are looking for in a lighting plan.

Fx Down Lights
Down Lights not only can be used practically to light up a table, seating area or barbecue when mounted or hung but also mimic natural moonlight in addition in accentuating the effects of other lights in the landscape.
Fx Speciality Lights
Suited for unique and niche applications, FX LuminaireSpecialty Lights provide specialized solutions for versatile and efficient effects.
Some Top Lighting Tips
Here are some valuable tips that you should take into consideration when designing your lighting layout. Let's face it, you want a professionally designed landscape that will provide safety and longevity of our products, and provide you with a wonderful experience for many years to come.
Fx Wall Lights
Wall Lights provide safety and define edges to the landscape while also helping enhances the ambiance of the outdoor living space.